Thursday, October 15, 2015

About Me

My journey into the kdrama world began in the spring of 2014. I remembered a conversation I had in my french class with a friend who suggested that I start watching Korean Drama's. I smiled and nodded but thought to myself, why does she think I speak Korean? 7 lucky years later, I was on Hulu looking for a new show to get into and I recalled the conversation. My eyes strayed to "Playful Kiss" and I pressed the play button and from that moment on, I was on a fast and slippery road to becoming a fool or "babo" for Kdrama's.

I tend to like my drama's (Korean, or Western) to have a heavy emphasis on love. I adore swooning at my computer screen wondering what kind of shenanigans my leads are going to get into. Most importantly I love a happily ever after story; blame years of devouring Disney and Romcoms. (I acknowledge my current state of singleness could be due to unrealistic expectations, Darn it!) Lucky for me there were plenty of Kdrama's that were more than willing to serve me a heady dose of love in the story line. I am also more than willing to watch drama's that don't have a romantic focus, but 9 times out of 10, if I'm gushing about a story line, it's centralized theme is romance.

The purpose of this blog is to rant and rave to my hearts content about episodes of shows that I am currently invested in. I think I've tired out my friends & family, who only dipped a toe into the darkside and quickly decided that they couldn't let T.V rule their lives. However, as a novelist, there is nothing that I love better than a great story, and if I have to sacrifice 16-20 hours of my week to achieve this, I call it a success.

Join the discussion about the craziness that is happening in Kdrama land.
Sincerely, the Kdrama babo Ellie.