Legend of the blue sea is a unique drama that seamlessly interweaves modern day reality with the melancholy legend of The Little Mermaid.
Switching between the reincarnated life of Heo Joon-Jae and his past life of as Dam Ryung, Lee Min Ho goes through great lengths to protect his one true love. Affectionately named Sim Chung, this stunning mermaid tries to navigate the modern world that is entirely different from the ocean which she is from. Jun Ji-Hyun plays this character with her special brand of physical humor that never ceases to stop me from cracking a smile. While the leads have a cute chemistry, it was the villain that saved this drama from being a predictable melodrama.
The veteran actor, Sung Dong Il gave a performance that left me with goosebumps as he delivered an eerie representation of a man feeling as though his life culminated in nothing more than punishment. Every interaction he had on screen left me with goosebumps. This role evoked fear and anxiety for the other characters that was brilliantly balanced by all of the comedic and romantic scenes.
The supporting cast gave us insight into Heo Joon-Jae's life and where his priorities in life stemmed from. For the most part they're hilarious and ridiculously self absorbed. The supporting cast that Sim Chung primarily interacts with is full of golden nuggets of wisdom we can all use.
This drama covers a range of genres from family, to crime, and last but not least romance. As much as it makes you laugh, and clutch your chest in fear, it can also make you cry. The interaction between all of the characters, the depth of loss, and the portrayal of regret also gives this drama the little oomph that's needed.
As much as I enjoyed this drama, I did skip a lot of parts. I was never completely sucked into the drama and was able to multitask other things while watching it.
If you need a cute drama, or something to pass the time with, I would def recommend it.
Until the next drama!