Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Strong Woman Do Bong Soon Review

Strong Woman Do Bong Soon was one hell of a ride. I laughed, I cried, and the antagonist ran chills up my spine. This drama draws you in with irresistible charm, ab aching laughter, and ice cold fear.

 Park Bo-Young lures you in with that sweet mischievous smile of hers. As her character, Do Bong Soon, tries to balance hiding her super strength powers with meting out justice. She often finds herself in interesting positions. This spunky, broke "Job Seeker" finds solace in video games, where she can be strong without hiding her identity.

Coincidentally, An Min-Hyuk played by eye candy Park Hyung-Sik, is the CEO of leading gaming company Ainsoft. These two become entangled with each other as they try to find the perpetrators messing with their individual lives.  Min-Hyuk hires Bong Song as his personal body guard and they realize they are more connected than they previously could have imagined. Their relationship quickly culminates into one of the cutest push and pulls I've ever seen.

Always playing the second lead, Ji-Soo, plays the role of  In Gook-Do. This stern character gruffly takes care of Do Bong Soon, while being completely oblivious to her infatuation with him. Though I don't get second lead syndrome with him in this drama, his earnestness is enough to melt any girls heart.

The most surprising character of all is Kim Jang-Hyun. This character was dark, creepy, and incredibly calculating. There is often a temptation to fall for his bad boy looks, but his character is just so evil and wily that you want to punch him in the face. Model turned Actor Jang Mi-Kwan delivered a wonderful performance.

Over all this drama is warm and mushy, with a surprising thrill element. The last episode is gushy, and wonderful and it's perfect for suckers who love a "Happily Ever After" Story.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Tomorrow With You

If you're ready for the craziest emotional rollercoaster of your life, watch Tomorrow With You. Heart throb Lee Je Hoon teams up with starlet Shin Min-A to deliver a mind-bending drama.

Shin Min-A plays Song Ma-Rin better known as Bap Soon. Ma-Rin tries to distance herself from the role she played when she was 10 years old, by  pursuing her dream of becoming a photographer.Though she is largely unsuccessful, due to her life seen as a cautionary tale of a child-actor,she tries to make the best out of her circumstance. 

Lee Je Hoon plays Yoo So Joon, CEO of a development company who happens to have the ability of time travel. Though his past is tragic, he navigates his life with a light charm.

When Yoo So Joon saves Song Ma-Rins life, he finds their lives are inexplicably entwined. Witnessing a tragic end to both of their lives, So Joon tries hard to manipulate the present so that the future is different.

I have to say, the episodes I watched I enjoyed. However, I got caught up in the comment section and would skip episodes to save myself some emotional angst. I also started watching this show while it was on air, and decided to wait until I knew there was a happy ending. Things were just a bit too tragic for my mental state, and I was concerned there would be a heart-rending close to the drama. I waited until the last episode was subbed, read the comments and picked up where I left off. The ending was so amazing, and even though I cried buckets of tears, it was definitely worth it.

I would recommend this drama for those who need a good cry, it's well written, and it the acting is superb.