Saturday, January 27, 2018

Coffee Prince

I have a confession. It took me 7 tries before I could commit to watching this drama. I could never finish the first episode. I wanted to like it. I really, really, really wanted to like it. No matter how many times I tried, I inevitably would lose interest in the first 10 minutes. So I rallied. I thought to myself, I should skip to the 4th episode. I TRIED, but even the 4th episode was boring and I didn't have a connection to the characters. Yet, on my 8th try... I found the sweet spot. I started on the second episode and I loved!If  I am Jane, this drama is Mr.Darcy, and by the end of the 17th episode, all misunderstandings between us were far behind.

I LOVE Gong Yoo. That devilish smile, and those beautiful eyes, they draw me in before he ever utters a syllable. It was nice watching a throwback, where he was younger and had a lighter energy about him. Choi Han-Gyul is a charming playboy who is trying to escape the clutches of his grandmothers plan to marry him off.  We see him as someone who is loyal, funny, hardworking, and a temper that never really gets checked. He finds himself falling in love with his side-kick Go Eun-Chan. While he struggles to navigate his feelings for someone he thinks is a boy. We get to see the struggle, and concession he tries to make. While his emotions blow hot and cold, I found him endearing.

Go Eun-Chan is our lead girl who looks like a guy. I was really impressed by the mannerisms of Yoon Eun-Hye. She walked like a dude, her shoulders hunched like a guy, and in general, her masculine vibes were strong. There were adorable moments when I saw her being girly. I liked how she navigated her world as this confident Tom-boy. While she came to some false conclusions about how to handle her sticky romantic situation, she was enchanting.

Lee Sun Kyun was another gem. I loved how innocent on some levels he was. He was fairly honest with his feelings. He was the anchor of this show. He grounded the whole plot with his laughter and his keen insight.

I enjoyed this drama, though I did skip some parts. I liked how we get taken on a ride of emotions. I laughed, I cried a little,  and the last episode was pretty satisfying.

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