Thursday, December 6, 2018

Discovery of Romance Review

credit: DramaFever

I watched Discover of Romance at the beginning of my descent into K-Drama mania. I was blown away by the sizzling chemistry displayed on the screen. I enjoyed the crazy ride of being madly crazy in love and being comfortably loved. The supporting role characters were hilarious! They delivered poignant points with sarcastic observations that made me cackle.

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I feel like Jung Yu-Mi was in her sweet spot when she played this role. She played Han Yeo-Reum who is this human mixture of incredible strength and massive insecurity. Yeo-Reum goes from being a sweet supportive girlfriend to calculating and conniving, back to confident and lovable. Her actions and motivations are a whiplash of adventure. Yeo-Reum's decision making is the reason for the ridiculous plot holes in this drama. I loved how we see pure chaos ensue because she acts out of insecurity and fear. Despite the flaws of this character, I was extremely attracted to the brashness of this character. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and she has a high emotional intelligence.

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Eric Mun is the quintessential male lead. Charisma drips off of this man and he delivered in his role. Kang Tae-Ha is a sexy, confident architect, and he is jonesing for his ex-girlfriend. After Han Yeo-Reum serendipitously drops down in front of him, he begins to explore feelings from the past. I enjoyed the way he looked at her. In their work relationship, he made it a point to demand the best out of her, not just what she thought the client wanted. I also liked the energy he had when dealing with her. Though he was antagonizing at times, I felt he was incredibly considerate of Yeo-Reum.

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I had no idea who was the first lead or the second lead, but whatever role Sung Joon played, I fell HARD for this character. While Kang Tae-Ha pulsated with passionate energy, Nam Ha-Jin was a calming energy. Ha-Jin was the sweetest boyfriend ever. He was understanding of Yeo-Reums temperament, and there was a sensitive quality about him that was simply loving. I was sorry that he was being dragged to and fro' because of Yeo-Reum was figuring out her feelings. He definitely deserved better. His storyline was a bit convoluted but the character was beyond reproach.

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Comic reliefs Kim Seul Gi and Yoon Hyun Min were the best for me. Their characters were simply outrageous. (Think Married Not Dating outrageous) Every punchline, physical comedy routine, schtick landed excellently. The magic that comes from this drama is directly from them!

Though I loved this series, I wasn't a big fan of the last episode. It was great, but I wanted more from the last episode, I believed it couldn've delivered more than what it did, but the journey to the blissful last 5 minutes was worth it!

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