Tuesday, December 11, 2018

King of High School

The two male leads are the reason why I was sucked into watching this drama. I put off watching "King Of Highschool" because I thought it was a high school drama and I'm not interested in those. However, this topsy-turvy drama gave me more enjoyment that I could ever fathom. There are extreme leaps of logic, and the leads' relationship makes me slightly uncomfortable... but despite myself, I LOVED this drama hahahaha

My charismatic crush Seo In Guk plays high-school jock Lee Min-Seok. Lee Min Seok learns his older brother needs him to pose as a director for a corporate company. This was a long reach for me, however, the show pulls off this absurd scenario. Lee Min-Seok is a riot posing as his brother. He uses informal speech, and he generally enjoys his newfound power. I loved this particular performance because it had a youthful execution about it. Seo In Guk had a pep in his step in this role, and it seemed as though he enjoyed acting in this drama. It was also hilarious that this teenager had to juggle the corporate world, along with is academic studies, along with being a super hockey star at his school. This isn't the most realistic drama, but it makes up for it by being hilarious. To help him navigate his corporate endeavors, Seo In Guk heavily relies on Jung Soo Young. As they work closely together, he begins to develop feelings for her. We get to see him pine for her most of the show, and eventually succeed in developing a sweet romantic relationship.

Powerhouse Lee Ha-Na, plays the ridiculously clumsy Jung Soo Young. There is no helping this character. Jung Soo Young is painfully shy, awkward, and the character is a trainwreck. Despite being heavily flawed, there is something about her quirkiness that makes the character attractive. I loved how generous and thoughtful she was. She wasn't easy to bully and she could stand up for herself, even though I was clutching my pillow in second-hand embarrassment as she did. Lee Ha-Na puts a special magic on a character that is poorly written. It's a testament to how amazing of an actress she is, she executed beautifully despite the scarcity she had to work with.

Yoo Jin-Woo is played by the incredibly attractive Lee Soo Hyuk. This second lead never gave me second lead syndrome, but I liked his story. He was also an adult, emotionally stunted, but a full-fledged adult, which made him more attractive. Jung Soo Young challenges Jin-Woo in ways that he isn't used to. She also doesn't buy into his obvious charms. (i.e rich, handsome, etc.) It was nice to see him develop into a decent human being. We also got to see his six-pack abs, and that made the value of this show rise.

Here is the Public Service Announcement: This drama is about a grown woman who essentially falls in love with a high school student. That's the huge elephant in the room. Though she goes most of the drama without knowing Lee Min Seok's identity, once she finds out, it doesn't have the effect it would in the real world. I think he's 18 in the drama, so technically everything is kosher, but still, it was something I actively had to not think about.

Despite this, the drama was heart-warming, and it brought to tears from laughing so hard. I think the director and actors have to be given their kudos because they overcame the obvious discomfort of watching a grown woman fall in love with a teenager.

Happy Drama Watching!

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