Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Matrimonial Chaos Review

I debated whether or not I would watch this drama on air. I was interested in the plot, but it seemed like the kind of drama that could have a hit or miss ending. I kept reading the comment section and I wanted in on the fun, and boy was it the most fulfilling drama I'd seen in a while.

Matrimonial Chaos explores the relationships between two couples. Jo Seok-Moo is a type A, O.C.D, elitist who lived most of his life ostracized from his peers because of his finicky personality. He is married to Kang Hwi-Ru. Hwi-Ru is an athletic free spirit who secretly aspires to be a children's author. While these two grapple their lives as a divorced couple, the audience gets to see how close these two truly are. I loved the quirky chemistry between these two. Cha Tae-Hyun and Bae Doo-Na balanced each other wonderfully. Their characters blossomed beautifully, and it was interesting to see how they carried a torch for each other the entire series, but they never could effectively communicate their feelings. Throughout the drama, I wanted these two to revive their relationship. As their parents put "You guys got lucky you found each other, no one else would put up with either one of you". 

Jin Yoo-Young and Lee Jang-Hyun are a professional couple, who have a sweet and peaceful exterior. Their interior lives, however, is filled with resentment, self-hatred, and guilt. Lee Jang-Hyun cheats but his character is very interesting. I detested his actions, but for whatever reason, I could never get to hate the man. Son Seok-Koo was brilliant Jang-Hyun was thoughtless, guileless and self-centered. Yet, he wasn't malicious or callous. In fact, he resembled a lost puppy. The character development was astounding, even though not much changed. This character was a great example of how a simple mind shift can be the ripples for change.
While Jang-Hyun is off in the clouds, Jin Yoo-Young is grounded. She's developed the habit of repressing her rage while she carefully curates her life. I have a major girl crush on Lee El. I've never seen her play the same role twice, but this was the first role I'd seen her in where she didn't have an edge. Jin Yoo-Young self-implodes and even when she is furious, it's quiet. This character was wonderful to watch. She was pragmatic as she was delicate. The greatest attraction toward this couple was the juxtapositions of themselves. The woman is in a rage, but she is delicate. The man is a liar and a cheat, but he is open and vulnerable. It was quite an enjoyable ride watching these two.

This drama will opened my eyes to my relationship I have with myself, I could sing it's praises for a long time! 
Happy Drama Watching!

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