Friday, December 28, 2018

Voice 2 Review

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I finished Voice 2 this morning and I have to talk about it!!!

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Okay! Last year I wrote how incredible Voice season 1 was. This year, I'm here to shout from the rooftop that season 2 is even better! The comment section lamented Jang Hyuk's non-appearance. I thought it would've been nice to see him as a guest, but I was confident that I could enjoy the show without his enigmatic performance. Why you ask? Because Lee Jin Wook plays the lead in season 2! Every drama I've watched with Lee Jin Wook has showcased his talent. I was ecstatic to see what he would do with this role.  I waited until I could binge watch the show, because season 2's are a bit risky, but this drama did not disappoint!
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The Golden Time Team are rocked to the core, due to the cruel death of their captain. In order to find the murderer, they launch their own investigation and find another serial killer is loose and on a rampage. This season takes us on a ride with  Do Kang-Woo. He is a cop suspected of murdering his partner. Despite the open hostility he receives from his precinct, he continues to search for the real killer. Lee Jin Wook is exceptional in this role. Do Kang-Woo oozes barely contained rage and resentment, but he doesn't allow himself to be consumed by hate. Balancing the mistrust and ostracism of his peers, he is able to find the connection in the most heinous crimes. I loved this character. At the beginning of the drama, all we see is a brash, outcast trying to clear his name. By the end of the drama, we see Do Kang-Woo at his most vulnerable. The transformation, and the glimpses we see of his past make him all the more endearing to my heart.

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Kang Kwon-Joo is set with new challenges as she tries to find another killer. This time the killer is aware of her sensitivity to sound and he manipulates her in the most chilling way. Lee Ha-Na still delivers a beautiful performance, and unlike the first season, I ship Do Kang-Woo and Kang Kwon-Joo. Their chemistry together was amazing.

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The MVP of this season goes to Kwon Yool. I give this man a standing ovation. I've never seen him play a sinister role before. I've always loved him as the attractive second lead in romance drama's, but the execution of this role was sensational. Bang Se-Joo is the mastermind of a nefarious plan to mete out judgment and punishment to those he deems as lower than bugs. Though he causes lots of pain to innocent victims...I couldn't completely hate him. Certain crimes he committed didn't bother me the way they should, and I it's because, despite the obvious mental illness, he's relatable. I understood why he made the decisions that he made, given his background, and his corrupted mindset. He also was an intelligent criminal. There is nothing I enjoy more than a battle of wits.

Overall, Season 2 was an amazing ride and I couldn't recommend it enough!
Happy Drama Watching!

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