Monday, August 20, 2018

Come and Hug Me Review

By the time I finished this show, my eyes were swollen from crying so much. Be prepared to cry every single episode. I cried, then I cried some more, and then I cried because my eyes stung from crying so much! If you want something light-hearted, skip this. If you want something real, you want something that will help you unload a truckload of unshed tears... this is for you. I waited until the last episode to start this drama. The synopsis was pretty dark, so I figured, I'd wait for the reviews to roll in before giving it a chance. While I loved this drama, I'm not sure if I should've watched it on-air or if binge watching it was better. It was a breathtaking drama, and I was worn out when it finished.

The drama is about Chae Do Jin and Han Jae-Yi. Chae Do Jin comes from a precarious background, comprising of a shady father, a violent older brother, a stepmother who works too much, and a precocious little sister. Han Jae -Yi, on the other hand, comes from an affluent family. Her mother is an actress, her father is a lawyer, and she has a devoted older brother. Outgoing and cheeky Han Jae-Yi pulls Chae Do Jin into her shenanigans, and Do Jin reluctantly befriends her. They find their fates intertwined by unspeakable horrors, and in their adult lives, they have to navigate their love for each other.

Chang Ki-Yong's performance was utterly stunning. I hope he wins awards for this role because it was brilliant. We never know how sane he is in this drama. He portrays a kindhearted brother and lover. He's a loyal and faithful leader in his police academy, but when he's interacting with criminals we get a glimpse of low-key insanity. The torture and harassment Do Jin has to put up with was heartbreaking. Every episode I wanted to hug him, and give a huge dose of unconditional love. Luckily he has a great support system in his stepmother and sister. We watch him navigate a truly painful existence with such kindness, and understanding and it touched my heart that he wasn't the least bit jaded. He was constantly putting himself in the shoes of others' and it was incredible to see. Do Jin has become my favorite k-drama character, displacing Lee Sang Yoon's Park Dong Joo character in "Angel Eyes"

Jin Ki-Joo plays effervescent Han Jae Yi. She works as an actress, and she tries hard to maintain a bright outlook. Despite losing her family, she keeps a sweet disposition. However kind she may be, she definitely isn't a pushover. She turns into a feisty firecracker when need be. I admired her strength and her commitment to love.

Heo Jun-Ho was electrifying in his role as the abusive father. I was filled with terror everytime he was on screen. His presence was menacing even when he was trying to be friendly. The dead shark eye stare he would give made me get goosebumps!

Nam Da-Ruem, this majestic kid, has struck gold once again! Every performance he shines with vulnerability and emotion. The depth to this kids acting is amazing. I was so happy to see him deliver once again. Ryoo Han-Bi was adorable. I loved how capricious her character was, it was incredibly entertaining to watch. 

Overall, I love this drama, this could be the best drama of 2018! 

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