Monday, August 27, 2018

My Secret Romance Review

This cotton candy romance, was a short and sweet treat, that I absolutely enjoyed.

For transparency sake, I have a major middle school crush on Sung Hoon. He's got a dreamy smile, 8 pack abs, and broad shoulders. He's something right out of a webtoon and the first time I saw him I was smitten. So, even if this drama was horrible, I don't know that I can objectively get over how much his performances give me the feels. Cha Jin-Wook is the typical chaebol we always see. He is arrogant, and out of touch with reality, and the guys a big softie on the inside. This character is textbook K-Drama lead, and I loved it!

Song Ji-Eun plays our hard knock life, Lee Yoo-Mi. This woman tries hard not to attract attention to herself. Her mother's career is quite scandalous, and Yoo-Mi doesn't want to be associated with it. She finds her way working a dietician (I believe, but she looked like a glorified cafeteria lady... so her job always confused me a little)

Jin-Wook and Yoo-Mi end up working with each other, and their steamy past catches up with them. They are hilarious as they try to navigate through their palpable chemistry. This drama is only 13 episodes, and though I'd love to go into more detail but it's a shallow drama. If you want something to help a heady dose of "Post-traumatic drama stress", this can help any ailments.

Like the show, this review is short and sweet, but I hope you get to enjoy both!

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