Friday, August 17, 2018

It's Okay That's Love

This incredible work of art is my all time favorite drama of all time. This includes American shows and every other Asian drama I've watched. This drama revealed my prejudice toward people who are mentally ill. Preconceived bias' I had, have been completely blown out of the water because of this amazing story.

"That's Okay It's Love"  introduces two of the most beautifully insightful, and honest characters I've ever seen. Prepare to have some unrealistic relationship goals after watching this male lead.
 Jang Jae-Yeol is an incredible writer with a turbulent past. He is witty, cunning, and very caring to those he considers family and friends. I adored this character so much. He was honest and vulnerable all while maintaining his playboy charm. He is also a love "Wiseman" with amazing insight on how functional relationships work. Watching him navigate through his mental journey was at times heartwrenching to watch. Reconciling his past with his present, was a pleasure to watch.

Ji Hae Soo is a prickly psychiatrist with a few scars of her own. As she tries to navigate her relationships, we see how difficult it is for her to be vulnerable. Her biggest scars come from her relationship with her mother. I liked this character because she never tried to be sweet. She had very human first reactions, and she felt really human. The love she develops for Jae Yeol made my heart ache. I loved the dynamic between both of them. They have such fun banter between the two of them. The depth of conversation and the way that they bared their souls to each other was a lesson of how love should work.

This blog would be a 5-page dissertation if I broke down the amazing the ensemble cast. Park Kwang Soo, Jo Dong Min were incredible. They executed their roles impeccably. I loved their chemistry with the leads. The conversations were sensational, and the impact and challenge that it made on me were beyond anything that I could've expected for a K-Drama.

I love this drama, and I hope that you can give it a chance. I assure you, it will change you.

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