Saturday, August 25, 2018

My Wife's Having An Affair This Week Review

The title of this drama sucked me in! I thought this was going to be a melodrama the way "Secret Affair" was. However, this is a comedy, mixed with the heaviness of a marriage that doesn't have it's needs met.

Lee Sun Kyun plays the ever perplexed Do Hyun Woo. Hyun Woo is a sweet guy completely oblivious to the inner workings of his wife Jung Soo Yeon, played by Song Ji-Ho. On the surface, their marriage seems great. They have a beautiful son, they both have great careers, and it would seem all their college dreams came to fruition. Unfortunately, below the facade, there is a lot of stress and inner turmoil that needs to be addressed. Lee Sun Kyun suspects his wife of having an affair and his goofball methods of trying to catch prove entertaining. However, once he realizes that his wife is, in fact,   having an affair, the comedy turns into a touching family drama.

I liked this drama because it reveals the subtle ways we neglect the people that we care about. The heartbreaking ways and differences in which we keep silent when we are hurt. It would've been really easy to throw Jung Soo Yeon under the bus. In the comment section, there were lots of dehumanizing comments about how she was wrong because she cheated on her husband. Soo Yeon's character was more complicated than an unhappy wife cheating on her husband. Soo Yeon was not only neglected by her husband, but she also neglected herself. Trying to juggle work, being a mother, and a wife, she lost herself. I liked how they showed life from her perspective.

Ye Ji Won, Lee Sang Yeob, and Boa were downright magical in this drama!! Their characters were hilarious and touching. The side stories and their beliefs about navigating relationships were eye-opening. Overall the cast for this drama really executes the storyline perfectly.

I'd definitely recommend this to anyone who loves a good laugh, with a great morality perspective!

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