Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Moon Lovers:Scarlet Heart Review

This drama was a blockbuster that was wildly anticipated, and it left many fans drowning in their feels.

The star-studded cast was perfection. I'd be writing a dissertation if I spent my time gushing about how incredible each and every actor was. The chemistry between all parties was sensational. In the beginning, I didn't know who I wanted Hae-Soo, played by IU, to end up with. Toward the end, I was happy with her choice but I wished she'd had a bit more common sense.

The Drama starts with Hae-Soo in the present world, she gets into an accident and she is warped into Ancient Korean Civilization. She has to learn how to navigate this ancient world, and her modern talents go a long way to help incur favor. She is propelled into a world of 8 royal princes who are all entangled in royal politics. At first, she is a bystander, and then she becomes a tool to help certain brothers achieve their goals. I liked Hae-Soo's character. She was smart, endearing, and didn't put up with ancient chauvinistic nonsense. Watching her navigate her unfamiliar surroundings was enjoyable, and she starts off as an infectious character. Down the line, messed up things happen to her, and she becomes dour. The only thing I didn't like about her was her self-righteousness. This is more a testament to my personality, rather than the quality of writing. I don't believe you can apply modern ethics to ancient customs. Hindsight is 20/20, and while ancient practices maybe appalling in the modern world, those practices were the norm. Her character didn't seem to realize that you can't bend an entire civilization to your way of thinking. And you can't hold people to standards, that they can't even make sense of. I was understanding of her trying to interfere in certain situations, but her decisions ultimately backfired.

Lee Joon Gi portrayed outcast brother Wang So. This character was everything to me. He was like a rising phoenix from burning ashes. He stole my heart because he was the victim of circumstances he had no control of. In his quest to be his most honorable self, he is misunderstood and often forced to do things that go against his volition. I LOVED this character, and I was down with all of the decisions he made. I rediscovered my bloodthirsty (in drama's) thirst, and I liked how he was not above serving revenge dishes cold! This character was complex, and I want to see another drama's with a lead of a similar disposition.

The classic male lead Wang Wook is played by dreamboat Kang Ha-Neul. This character... man, he was amazing. I loved him, especially in the beginning. And while no character is perfect, his sweetness, kindness, and attentiveness made me look past some flags. When he started having to make certain decisions, I cried. I wanted him to live out the life he deserved to live, and it's unfortunate that he had to make sacrifices. I had a strange case of SLS. Most girls would want the kind of love and attention he had to give. On the other hand, he made decisions that like cutting off his nose to spite his face.

The brothers! Oh The BROTHERS!!!!!!!! I loved the dynamic between the brothers. They had such great chemistry, and the bromance was palpable. I loved their banter and the way the played off of one another. It was heartbreaking to see their relationship dissolve. The betrayals, were deep, and I kept wanting things to go back to the way they were in the beginning of the drama..

Overall, watch this drama. Prepare to get your heartbroken, the ending kind of leaves you hanging, but it didn't piss me off. Also watch the original chinese version, (I watched it, and loved it
). There is a sequel, but I haven't watched it, but I heard it was good.

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